Allergens and Dust Sampling

What are allergens?
allergensAllergens are substances that are foreign to the body and can cause an allergic reaction in certain people. Examples of allergens are pollen, foods, and mold.

Your living environment may contain a variety of animal and plant life, most of which can become a source for allergens, the triggers of allergic reactions. Pollens are the main cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis. However, if your nasal stuffiness, sneezing, watery eyes, and constant postnasal drip bother you year-round, then you most likely have non-seasonal hay fever, sometimes referred to as perennial allergic rhinitis. This condition is typically caused by indoor allergens such as dust mites, cockroach parts, mold, and animal dander.

Understanding the nature and location of indoor sources of allergy is fundamental. The key to managing allergies that are caused by indoor allergens involves reducing your level of exposure to them or avoiding them entirely if possible.

What is house dust?

Allergen-samplingHouse dust is a mixture of components that can cause allergies. House dust is composed of a number of natural substances, including dried food particles, mold spores, pollen, fabric fibers, animal dander, and insect parts, especially those of dust mites and cockroaches. As is the case with other allergens, these particles contain proteins that are small enough to become airborne and inhaled. The main culprits in house dust that cause allergy symptoms are dust-mite and cockroach particles

How we can help

  • Sample of carpet and fabrics for the presence of: dust mites, cat & dog dander, cockroach, pollens & mold

One significant facet of many Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) investigations is the assessment of the carpeting and dust in an occupied building. Carpet is listed as one of the nine potential sources of biological agents in an occupied space (Bioaerosols Assessment and Control, ACGIH 1999). IAQ complications may arise with poor carpet maintenance and accidental water incursions.

To learn more about how carpeting can impact your health, see the American Lung Association.



Testing for sewage contamination after a toilet overflow or after a flood typically involves testing for a suite of organisms known as sewage indicator bacteria. There are a host of organisms that can be associated with sewage, but there are specific organisms that can be found in high levels that are fairly unique to sewage produced by warm blooded animals. Several of the most commonly tested sewage indicator organisms include E. coli and Enterococci. Both of these are types of bacteria that are typically found in high numbers in the lower intestinal tracks of mammals, including humans.

The risks associated with sewage spills include exposure to infectious microorganisms and endotoxins contained in some of the bacteria. These biological contaminants can cause gastrointestinal illness.

After a sewage spill we help to ensure the safety of you and your property!

How can we help?

Surface swab testing of building materials, furnishings and miscellaneous contents in order to determine if sewage contamination is present

Air testing to determine if sewage indicator bacteria are airborne and pose a risk to the building occupants

Soil sampling in a sub-area and yard areas to determine the presence of sewage indicator bacteria

Generate detailed reports with remediation protocols for the clean-up of sewage impacted buildings and its contents